Many people may not be able to buy paid programs and they are in dire need of them, especially programs to change the API so that often find these programs are expensive and not accessible to all in this post I will share with you one of these paid programs, but I offer you this version paid for you free This version is an add-on that you add to your browser, which costs about $ 16 for three months but we will not need to pay and what you will do is to have a free and modified version of all paid servers will Strengthen Adding to your browser in a way that I will explain to you in this post and this add-on features very awesome and gives you a fast and secure browsing and you can change the computer ipi to more than 22 servers paid for free without being detected by any site in your country so I was interested You should follow with me the explanation of how to install the .pn
The first thing you need to do is download the file you will find below this post and decompress it
Then you will go to your browser settings and install the vpn extension on any browser you use by clicking on plus d'outils as the picture shows
Then you click the extensions on this format
After that, you will unzip the file that you have loaded and then drag it or install it on the list of extensions or extensions in as the picture shows you
Then you will click the program icon as the picture shows
Then you will open an account by clicking on créer un compte on this form
After registering you will be sent a password to my email address
Then you will take the email that you registered with the password sent to you by the site and you enter the account
Then click on the icon indicated by the arrow in the image
The first thing you need to do is download the file you will find below this post and decompress it
Then you will go to your browser settings and install the vpn extension on any browser you use by clicking on plus d'outils as the picture shows
Then you click the extensions on this format
After that, you will unzip the file that you have loaded and then drag it or install it on the list of extensions or extensions in as the picture shows you
Then you will click the program icon as the picture shows
Then you will open an account by clicking on créer un compte on this form
After registering you will be sent a password to my email address
Then you will take the email that you registered with the password sent to you by the site and you enter the account
Then click on the icon indicated by the arrow in the image